Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jellies at play

I have not posted for a while. I took some classes at Playing with Fire in Rockland, Maine, with Trey Cornette, Pipyr and Ed (b0r0), and a day with John Kobuki. And I began a new job, which has taken a lot of time and adjusting, but I am very happy. So I will catch my blog up to the present over the next while.

I am still working on jellyfish. Here is a cold-worked bead from May which has two dark jellyfish chasing each other around the center of the bead.

And after a wonderful three days with Andrea Guarino Slemmons I had to try a feather. Hers are the best, though. I am really happy with this one because it has metallic powders on the surface with give it a wonderful range of copper and bronze tones!

I also made a series of small beads with layers of dots. The top bead here is so luscious to look at, like deep creamy pools of pale color.

I am working on some pretty amazing new things. I have some tutorials from great glass artists that I will tell you about in the next few days, and share with you my newest adventures with glass.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If I could wish you to have a fraction of the happiness I get from glass work you would be so I do wish joy and fulfillment for you in whatever you do.


terese said...

Hi Penny,
I saw your beads at Zoot Cafe in Camden. I tried to go to your web site but it is no longer available. How can I get in touch with you or see more of your work. I would like to buy some beads.

Penny said...

Hi, Terese! Send me an email at and give me your phone number. I will call you! I will have to check my should be up! Thank you! Penny